- computer vision: edge detection, semantic segmentation (3D point cloud, RGBD image)
- computer vision: stereo matching (supervised, unsupervised, passive, active structure light, automl)
- recommended system: Click-through Rate(CTR)
- computer vision, deep learning, machine learning
- Official Pytorch Code for RCF is released! [code], [2018.12]
- Code for LSANet is released! [code], [2019.3]
- One paper is accepted by CVPR 2019. (RGBD segmentation area) [2019.3]
- One paper is accepted by CVPR 2020. (road segmentation area) [2020.3]
- Our unsupervised activestereo system's demo video is online, 50FPS on titan XP, 0.03pixel error,(paper, code and dataset is coming soon) [video demo].[2020.3]
- Our paper Geometric Style Transfer is online! [arxiv]. [2020.7]
- I will intern in DJI(shenzhen) working with [Dr.Xiaozhi Chen] focusing on 3D sensing.